Cincinnati Change at Muisc Hall on Monday 16 Jan 2007 at 11:30

On 16 January 2006 at 11:30 Cincinnati Change is creating a limited liability company called Queen City Development Group at Washington Park right across from Music Hall. Then we will walk in for the FREE 12:00 Martin Luther King Day event with Bishop E. Lynn Brown, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Second District, Cincinnati.
E. Lynn Brown was elected the 46th bishop of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in 1986 in Birmingham, AL. He was born April 2, 1936. As a native of Jackson, Tennessee, Bishop Brown joins the sainted Bishop Isaac Lane as one of the only two bishops of the church born in Madison County, Tennessee, the birthplace of the CME Church. According to family lore, in 1870 his great grandmother was the cook for one of the bishops of the M.E. Church, South, during the organization of the CME Church. Thus, his nurture in the church from the "incipiency of his being" all the way through college on the very grounds where Christian Methodism originated is unique.
Bishop Brown's elementary and secondary education was from the public schools of Madison County, TN. He matriculated at Lane College in Jackson where he came under the directing influence of Chester A. Kirkendoll, the 35th bishop, who was the president. He earned the BA degree from Lane. His theological training was at Phillips School of Theology at The Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA which he entered as the recipient of a Fellowship Grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. He earned the M.Div. degree. Several honorary degrees have been conferred upon him. He has taught at the Lemoyne-Owen College in Memphis, lectured extensively, and has earned a national reputation as a preacher.
The hallmark of the entire ministry of Bishop E. Lynn Brown has been his community activism. He has been at the forefront in the struggle for justice. He received the Outstanding Community Service Award. As a bishop he has served as Chair of the Department of Lay Activities and has served as Chair of the Department of Evangelism, Missions, and Human Concerns.
He serves on the National Board of Directors of SCLC and the Board of Directors of the National Congress of Black Churches (NCBC). The NCBC repersent denominations with 65,000 churches and membership of over 20-million. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Phillips School of Theology.
Bishop Brown is married to Gladys (nee Stephens) Brown, and is the father of Alonzo Victor and Cheronda Patrice. His office and residence are in Cincinnati. Bishop E. Lynn Brown, is also the Chairman of the Board of The Center for Closing the Health Gap.
This year he leads the celebration of the Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. as it's Chairman. This day is offen called Martin Luther King Day and is on Monday January 16, 2006 at the Cincinnati Music Hall for a free concert starting at noon.
The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr, Ph.D. (January 15, 1929 Â April 4, 1968) was a Baptist minister and political activist who was the most famous leader of the American civil rights movement. King won the Nobel Peace Prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom before being assassinated in 1968. For his promotion of non-violence and racial equality, King is considered a peacemaker and martyr by many people around the world. Martin Luther King Day was established in his honor.
We have established Cincinnati Change to adhere to many of the principles that he stood for.
Besides winning the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize, in 1965 the American Jewish Committee presented the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with the American Liberties Medallion for his "exceptional advancement of the principles of human liberty." Reverend King said in his acceptance remarks, "Freedom is one thing. You have it all or you are not free."r King Jr.,
Martin Luther king was aregisteredd Republican and may have supported affirmative action.
Among his comments:
"Whenever this issue [compensatory treatment] is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree, but should ask for nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but is not realistic. For it is obvious that if a man enters the starting line of a race three hundred years after another man, the first would have to perform some incredible feat in order to catch up."
"A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him, to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis. "
"... for two centuries the Negro was enslaved and robbed of any wages and potential accrued wealth which would have been the legacy of his descendants. All of America's wealth today could not adequately compensate its Negroes for his centuries of exploitation and humiliation. It is an economic fact that a program such as I propose would certainly cost far less than any computation of two centuries of unpaid wages plus accumulated interest. In any case, I do not intend that this program of economic aid should apply only to the Negro: it should benefit the disadvantaged of all races."
"You can't talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can't talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You're really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry.... Now this means that we are treading in difficult water...."
On April 3, 1968, King prophetically told a euphoric crowd:
"It really doesn't matter what happens now.... some began to... talk about the threats that were out -- what would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers.... Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place, but I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. And so I'm happy tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."
King was assassinated the next evening, April 4, 1968, at 6:01 PM, on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, while preparing to lead a local march in support of the heavily black Memphis sanitation workers' union which was on strike at the time.
Over the next 5 years Queen City Development Group will create in the south over 2,000 acres of real estate developments that will serve as relief centers, under contracts, for a million people by 2010 with 1,000 Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana businesses lead by Fred Hargrove P.E., MBA whose Engineering Company is taking the point in a joint venture that will tread in the dangerousus waters of rebuilding the south and being ready when this happens again.
We will partnership with an Inter Faith Based Leadership lead by Pastor Wanda Lloyd-Daniels, of Ammons United Methodist Church who is also a journeywoman of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, owner of Lloyds General & Electrical Contractors, a Ohio company that is 20 plus years old general contracting and technology company that is a FBE/MBE/SBE and she is the head of the Cincinnati Hamilton County Black Republican Forum.
This company will create on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 a proposal to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) a proposal for less than $100M in an IDIQ contract to care for 7,000 households and their facilities in the Gulf. Under the contract the federal government is paying the bill over 5 years ($100M or less) with companies drawn from around the nation, a 30% preference given to team like ours that located in the affected areas and are SBA 8A firms. The contract starts in March 2006.
Over the next five years we will recruit over 10,000 businesses and 100,000 people in the Gulf to pick up the bill afterwards, either through their representative government and constitutional right to redress grievances to the government and or direct contracts with our subsidiary Queen City Development Group and it's affiliate Gulf Change through the business process developed by Hershel Daniels, Junior.
Gulf Change will perform basadministrativeive functions as a contractor with Union workers through Lloyds General and Electrical Contractors, Inc., if we conclude a Cincinnati based planned labor agreement whereas we get access to pension funds to -
1 build homes for 100,000 people over next ten years; promote the establishment of substantial autonomy and self-government in communities through the use of fiber to the home enable community access technology master territory licensee's who use our patent in communications as their competitive advantage in the Gulf states demonstration;
2 facilitate a political process at a neighborhood level through the internet to determine regions future based on development from 16 Jan. 2006 till 19 June 2006 of a plan to house and rehabilitate the lives of 100,000 people and from then to create the financial and technical ability to implement the plan by December 31, 2006;
3 create 10 centers in the Gulf to provide for the coordinate humanitarian and disaster relief of all international agencies for a million people in the America's and as part of a internal effort lead by AID and Gulf Change, first headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio for a 18 month staff training period; Fred Hargrove Sr. and partner companies, educational institutions and governmental agencies who will support the reconstruction of key infrastructure with over 100 companies who will invest in the redevelopment including foreign companies who operate key urban infrastructure including phone systems, water works and sewage plants;
4 maintain civil law and order thought eh creation of a private military company that in Cincinnati has the public police powers empowered to them through the city of Cincinnati under it's laws, and;
5 promote human and civil rights for Americans and create a environment whereas American citizens can live safe and secure lives; and assure the safe and unimpeded return of all displaced persons to their homes in the Gulf.
Gulf Change is to be created on a model created by Hershel Daniels, Junior that e think is a business process that created a master holding company called Gulf Change as a for profit Business that is divided into nine holding companies which it calls "Change Agent Commands".
These Change Area Commands are:
CAC I: Public Safety and Security including NBC, Justice, Public Safety and Fire Protection
CAC II: Contract Civil Administration and Metropolitan Assets Utilization
CAC III: Neighborhood Democratization, Institution Building and Community Development
CAC IV: Reconstruction and Economic Development
CAC V: Public Private Partnership Agreement Monitoring Team
CAC VI: Lifelong Education and PLA Workforce Development
CAC VII: Health Services and Support including assisted living facilities
CAC VIII: Faith Based Leadership and Family Support & Development
CAC IX: Professional Services Support