Founded June 19th 2000, incorporated June 19th 2005 and is planning to change the city starting June 19th 2006 through Cincinnati Change's Uptown Security.
We support our troops and police. Cincinnati Change supports the
mission statement of the
Cincinnati Police Department (CPD). We also want to work in partnership with the citizens of the community to provide a safe environment where the quality of life may be improved through the delivery of fair and impartial police services.
100.9 The Wiz is hosting "The Peace Summit" at the National Underground Freedom Center in the Harriet Tubman Theater from 6p-9pm on Thursday, May 18, 2006. This forum will provide an opportunity for community dialogue about the ever increasing violence in Cincinnati. The Summit will feature evening personality, Big Greg, and Midday host, Asia, co-hosting the event with Russ Parr. This forum will allow the community to speak on their fears, concerns, and positive suggetions on possible resolutions.
Take the time to allow your voice to be heard drop us a line here and tell about what you think. We will be talking about the billion dollars to be spent over the next decade by Cincinnati on public saftey.
Cincinnati Change said in our Top Stories of 2005, on the election of Mark Mallory as Mayor, "New leadership brings with it a chance to improve the city. He can use the assets of the city which are more than a billion dollars to make fundamental changes in the lives of the residents of the city. He can coordinate the leadership in the region to create a Cincinnati lifestyle that benefits everyone in the region. At Cincinnati Change we know they have the tools to deal with the problems of the city and look forward to this council to have the will to use them to benefit the residents of the city."
We hope to work with interested parties who believe that we can have Peace in the Hood along with Jobs in the Hood by Junetenth 2006 with a partnership with EnTrust America.
In 2002, the Cincinnati Police Department entered into a collaborative agreement with other parties in Cincinnati. The collaborative agreement binds the signature's ( the Cincinnati Police Department (CPD), the Fraternal Order of Police, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)referred to as "the parties") to a series of reforms and initiatives intended to reduce social strife in the city.
The agreement requires the CPD to implement a variety of changes, most notably the adoption of Community Problem-Oriented Policing (CPOP) as a strategy for addressing crime problems and engaging the community.
Other provisions of the agreement require the CPD to establish a civilian complaint review process. The collaborative agreement incorporates a previous agreement between the CPD and the U.S. Department of Justice on use-of force issues.The agreement has five primary goals:
- Ensure that police officers and community members…become proactive partners in community problem solving.
- Build relationships of respect, cooperation, and trust within and between police and communities.
Improve education, oversight, monitoring, hiring practices, and accountability of the CPD.
Ensure fair, equitable, and courteous treatment for all. - Create methods to establish the public’s understanding of police policies and procedures and recognition of exceptional service in an effort to foster support for the police (U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio, Western Division, undated, pp. 3–4).
The agreement also specifies the need to evaluate achievement of these goals. We look forward in reviewing this process with the Mayor and City Council so as to give direction to the city manager who has stated on 25 Feb. 2006 "[Colonel Thomas H.]Streicher works for me."
We will use data from many sources to establish our base, including data from the RAND Corporation who is in the middle of evaluation over a five-year period, from June 2004 to the latter part of 2008 on the agreement. Starting on June 19th 2006 we will create the first annual report on the collaborative evaluation. This study will be of interest to Cincinnati residents and public officials who want to invest in the residents not in jails ( Not that we are against building a new $225M jail. As a mater of fact we will build it for cost plus 9% flat.)Furthermore, we will build a social service infrastructure that will work with it and will bring this forward on 26 May 2006 for public comment.
Cincinnati Change is creating a Cincinnati Company called Uptown Security. The mission of the company is to provide homeland safety and security infrastructure management, design and construction from our headquarters in Cincinnati; During 2006, more than $150 billion dollars is being allocated for:
- Preventing another terrorist attack on the United States
- Detecting threats against the United States
- Preparing for and responding to future catastrophes
- U.S. Gulf Coast Reconstruction
These are among the nation’s top priorities this year, and are the central themes of Rebuilding the Gulf Coast After Katrina and Rita with People of Faith and one of the most influential homeland security small business events you can attend this year will be held each week at the Entrust and Cincinnati Change headquarters stay tunned to http://www.cincinnatichange.com/ for more details and http://www.entrustamerica.com/hershel. to
provide management from our headquarters at 2439 Auburn Avenue in Cincinnati global security and safety tools, services and support with training conducted from a 22 acre site in Cleveland and products supplied from our proposed 200 acre inter-modal logistics center in Texas, and;
create an environment is to improve the development, operation, use, and protection of society's essential man-made and natural assets and to enhance the related social assets of safety and security of individuals.
demonstrate our system used in street level crime solutions with public arrest powers.
This operation would support public safety and homeland security in the City of Cincinnati under Cincinnati Municipal Code Title Viii: Business Regulations\Chapter 887 titled Private Police.
We will create a new company for these operations as a proof of concept in the user of the sprint network in education, public safety, and commercial business development – a private security that uses our Mobile Wireless Network from Sprint as the backbone of our public saftey and homeland security management system.
We will deploy this program to over 250 domestic cities over the next 3 years as we demostrate our actions to clients that are covered 24 hours a day through public camera mounted on the officers as well as in the sky (this will give clients a example use of our system to track people who may have fallen outside of society. This will offer clients a example use of our system to track people who may have fallen outside of society but yet have a chance, through our innovative court based partnership to create content or provide some service in which our network can sell directly to private sector and or through a public/private sector initiative create content that employees them in some role, in either case thereby supporting their family)
This company will provide secure transit systems starting with a demonstration development in greater Cincinnati - including funding the creation of a new secure bridge, if our team builds it. This will be accomplished using a financial instrument created for this purpose which is to be a new type of regional community redevelopment wrap around lead by a core city - in this case Cincinnati. By 2009 we expect to have 100 cities worldwide using this program to reduce smog, deaths and provide for the residents of the center city community and regional economic development.
By 2007 this company will have the trained staff to provide consultation with communities under contract. This will be done with over 200 public and private sector partners through the development of a Global Safety and Justice Program that addresses occupational safety, transportation safety, food safety, and public safety including violence, policing, corrections, substance abuse, and public integrity. We will develop this company as a private public partnership in cooperation with all parties who are signatures to the Cincinnati Change Collaboration Center for Solutions to Global Problems. We will create a training center in Blue Ash that will serve as a traing site for over 10,000 graduate students who will stay of a 30 acre campus that would include all that they need - classrooms, distance learning support, sports, onsite wepeons ranges, flight training, technology traning, OPTA training site, justice and public saftey institute, and 24x7x52 problen support center.
This company will provide security for clients in their workplaces and community. This company will create a subsidiary called 1st responders team. It is to be a for profit company whose mission is to care for clients and their families in case of a emergency. We look to make our first client the residents of the city of Cincinnati. If an emergency happens the staff is to run to the problem and the students are to provide logistical suppport. They are transport people to one of 750 planned unit developments around the united states or 250 in foriegn loications in partnership with Global Change.
LDG plan of action.is to create a African American owned Professional Military Company who will be 40% owned by a trsut setup for the employees and their famileis. we would go after the Dafuar Contract and put on the fround 10,000 armed and trained personal backed up by logistics bu the USAF using steady stream of C-130's and 4 flights of Galaxies after building up housing for a million households and the infrastructure in return for running the oil as a joint venture from a Ohio headquarters that takes advanatage of the already established POTUS executive orders.
Cincinnati Change is working with The American Academy of Distance Learning and Training & Wilson Military Academy to create a branch of the Military Academy in the city of Cincinnati at an Empowerment Zone Developable site called Techsolv.
The American Academy of Distance Learning and Training (AADLT)is a tax exempt non-profit organization which will implement a plan of action creating change in education through the creation of a distance learning network that will serve 100 million accounts worldwide by 2009. We will execute a plan serving over 100,000 people in the Gulf who where affected by the disasters of 2004 & 2005 through the creation of Freedom Technology & Training Centers. Each center will house preschool-12th grade schools, a military academy and education training with organziations like the Job Corps,
We will work with businesses, faith based organizations, non profit organizations and Superjobs Centers to create a workforce trained for employment in Military Construction. We will concentrate on creating jobs in real estate development, professional services, construction, debris removal and closed cycle burn centers, tourism, education, health care, technology, hospitality, and entertainment through partnerships with companies supported and or developed by us with our change agent government partners.
It will be a partnership of Opportunities Industrialization Centers of Ohio, Inc., Hargrove Engineering, LLC, Entrust America International, LLC, RE Saffold & Company, LLC., Education Management Learning Complexes, LLC., Daniels Henderson Consulting Group, LLC, Freedom Technology Training Centers International,LLC. and other strategic partners who will raise the funds needed to fund all of the above.
Cincinnati Change and partners plan to capitalize on the above plan to create jobs in the city as we monitor events worldwide from our network operations center at Techsolv.