Capital for a Billion Dollar Fund via Referendum

Cincinnati Change believes that we should then invest that into people and the infrastructure to change Cincinnati over the next 30 years. To do that we look to bring together 300 social services and related agencies together who we look to create a unified solution to problems in the Nati with the following top ten areas of spending:
- Small Business Development Fund
- Creative Class Program with a focus on OTR & Uptown
- Third Frontier with a focus on Universal health Care for residents of the city
- Comprehensive All Sector Job Creation and Support
- World Class First Responder Human Services Infrastructure
- Neighborhood Development with a focus on Senior Citizen Housing Transition
- 30 years Lead Free Household program including 20,000 Homes
- Quality Low & Moderate Income Homes
- New Public Safety Program with built in Comprehensive Reentry Programing
- Young Peoples Support Network including the Recreation and Park System
And our water quality would stay the same or go up through an agreement with the new owners. We would establish as part of this plan an independent office of environmental quality who would test the water and make their reports public. Under this plan this office would also monitor lead and other deadly substances in the city along with air quality through the 20,000 meteorological stations that would be built in the city.
These monies would even cover the city general fund as our current money fund managers of the 2 billion dollar city pension fund can not earn enough money to cover expenses. So far to the tune of 16 million dollars a year or more. This money then has to come out of the general fund.
If the question of private ownership bothers you then have the 2 billion dollar pension fund buy them.